Health and Wellbeing Board

18 January 2022


Report of the York Health and Care Partnership


Sarah Coltman-Lovell, Place Director, York Health and Care Partnership


1.           This report provides an update to the Health and Wellbeing Board (HWBB) regarding the work of the York Health and Care Partnership (previously the York Health and Care Alliance), progress to date and next steps.


2.           Partners across York continue to work closely together to commission and deliver services for our population. The York Health and Care Partnership (YHCP) has a shared vision and aspires to raise our population health outcomes to become the healthiest city in Northern England. With a focus of population health in our Health and Wellbeing Strategy, we are theming our work using a life course approach of Starting Well, Living Well, Aging and Dying Well.

3.           The YHCP has an Executive Committee (shadow) which is the forum through which senior Partnership leaders collaborate to oversee the delivery of the Partnership priorities, working in accordance with the Partnership's values and principles to achieve the aims and shared purpose across York Place. The Executive Committee meets monthly, and minutes from the November and December meeting are available in Annexes A and B.

4.           This report provides an update to the York Health and Wellbeing Board on the YHCP's progress since the last report provided in November 2022.  


National, system and Local Context

National and system context

5.           On July 1, 2022, the Health and Care Act enabled the dissolution of the Vale of York CCG and the implementation of the Humber and Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB). The ICB has been established alongside 6 place executive committees (shadow) and 5 sector collaboratives (see Annex C for governance and accountability structure). The report provided in November 2022 includes details on the responsibilities of Integrated Care Systems.

6.           To meet the requirements of the Health and Care Act 2022 Humber and North Yorkshire ICB have been undertaking a process to develop an Integrated Health and Care Strategy. The strategy is covered in a separate paper to the HWBB.

7.           Since the national guidance outlined in the November 2022 report, NHS England has published the following guidance documents to support ICBs:

·        NHS England » Guidance on developing the joint forward plan

·        NHS England » Delivering a quality public health function in integrated care boards

Local context

8.           The YHCP continues to work closely with HNY ICB in this dynamic environment to implement national guidance and support the health and care system through winter pressures and planned industrial action.

9.           As referred to in the November 2022 paper, HNY ICB have developed a 'Transitional Operating Arrangement' between the ICB and each Placed Based Partnership. The Transitional Operating Arrangement is a statement about the arrangements and the ways of operating in the York Health and Care Partnership as further work is undertaken to understand delegation arrangements at system and place-based level.



Update on the work of the YHCP and Current position

10.        Since the November 2022 update the YHCP has developed the 2022/23 Winter Plan which is currently being implemented to support the system with winter pressures. To have a holistic view of these pressures, the YHCP has also produced a system pressures report which outlines key operational pressures across each partner organisation. The report is used as a basis for discussion and action planning in partnership at each Executive Committee meeting.

11.        Building on the agreement of partnership priorities at the September YHCP meeting, the YHCP has agreed a series of strategic actions to support the delivery of each priority (see Annex C for further detail). The priorities and strategic actions are linked to the York Health and Care Prospectus and the York Health, and Wellbeing Strategy. The next steps are to produce a workplan and outcomes framework for these strategic actions, which will be developed with the Chairs of the YHCP sub-groups.

12.        The YHCP has also strengthened it's understanding of the HNY collaboratives and their work with each Place through a series of presentations delivered at the Executive Committee Meetings.

13.        As a key enabler of the YHCP, the York Population Health Hub continues to bring together partners to enable, analyse and undertake population health management approaches to provide a clearer picture of the health of the population and the inequalities people face across York place. As part of work investigating the growing winter pressures and the cost of living crisis, the York Population Health hub created the Cost of Living Crisis in York: Understanding and Reducing the Health Impacts data pack (also see Healthwatch York’s report on today’s Health and Wellbeing Board agenda and Annex D (online only). This provides information about people in York whose health is likely to be affected by the cost-of-living crisis, and the pack is being used across the YHCP as a resource to further service and practitioner understanding of the health impacts of the cost-of-living crisis.

14.        The YHCP Executive Committee continues to provide reports on its work to the Humber and North Yorkshire ICB and to the City of York Council Health and Wellbeing Board through this report. It is intended by the Partners that as these arrangements develop, the Executive Committee will review how it works with existing partnership engagement forums and the City of York Council Health and Wellbeing Board. The YHCP has recently agreed it's Terms of Reference which will also be subject to review as arrangements develop.



15.        The Health and Care Act (2022) is now in place, over the next 12 months the place board will further explore governance process as these will continually change as the ICB and place board develops.


Next steps


16.        The YHCP continues to develop and mature partnership arrangements in preparation for future delegation arrangements. The YHCP will develop a workplan and outcomes framework for the strategic actions agreed at the December Executive Committee meeting.

17.       The Health and Well Being Board is asked to note the content of the report and progress made.


Reason: To keep the Board updated on the work of the York Health and Care Partnership.


Contact Details


Chief Officer Responsible for the report:

Anna Basilico

Senior Programme Manager, Population Health and Partnerships

Humber and North Yorkshire ICB



Sarah Coltman-Lovell

Place Director, York Health and Care Partnership

Humber and North Yorkshire ICB


Report Approved









Wards Affected: 




Background Papers:




Annex A: 29.11.22 YHCP minutes

Annex B: 19.12.22 YHCP minutes

Annex C: Humber and North Yorkshire Governance & Accountability Structure

Annex D: PHH Cost of Living Health Data Pack (online only)

Annex E: York Health and Care Partnership Strategic actions